Change Management

All businesses face change as their direct market, technology and the world around them changes and advances. Keeping pace with change is just the start of the challenge for businesses as working with their staff and customers to accept change can be where more issues arise.

At Mr Green Consultancy we work with businesses to assist them in identifying when change is necessary and why through to delivery and implementation. Whether your business is in need of re-energising and feels external input would benefit or you have identified the need for change and are seeking an external consultancy to assist with the journey to implementation we are here to help you.

Our formula to successful change management involves:

  • Need – Through discussions with the company and its owners and managers understand the need for change and where our consultancy can support and assist. Through this process, we will set out the scope of our engagement and ensure all are clear on the requirements and deliverables.
  • Discovery – Understand the business, the market it operates in, the customers and their needs, the services provided, the available technology and financial position and considerations.
  • Proposals – Having understood the business and its market we will work for and with the business to identify where the opportunities are and how they can be achieved and make a series of proposals for consideration. Each proposal will be set out with sufficient detail to enable informed decisions to be made.
  • Consultation – With the proposals agreed and a direction established the people and parts of the business that will be affected will require consultation to ensure there is an understanding of the proposals and to invite appropriate feedback. This stage of the process is essential to finesse the proposals and gain buy-in from the appropriate people that will be affected.
  • Adapting and Updating – During and after the consultation there may be a need to adapt the proposals having taken into account the views of those who will be affected. With any changes identified and worked into the strategy, the implementation phase is ready to commence.
  • Goals – Setting off the expected deliverable and goals so it is clear on what is expected through implementation and beyond including the appropriate management information required to objectively assess success.
  • Implementation – Commencement of the implementation through the delivery of a clear and concise project plan identifying the requirements of each stage, deadlines and who will be involved. We will work for and with the business alongside the project plan to achieve the requirements being fully immersed into the deliverables until they are achieved.
  • Analysis – Throughout the process analysing the output ensures the successful delivery of the goals. It also enables adjustment and adaptation as necessary. This stage will also involve those in the business who are tasked to take the business forward are fully equipped with a full handover of knowledge and experience.
  • Post Implementation Analysis – Continued monitoring to ensure the goals have been achieved and the implementation has been successful and achieved the desired outcome. This crucial stage is often where businesses do not keep pace with the change cycle and appreciate the achievement of goals and success of the project. Changes and adaptation may be required after implementation and these will only be recognised as part of the post-implementation review which will be easier having already established the expected output supported by information.
  • Business as Usual – The final step of the process is when the business has adopted the changes and they are now considered part of the daily routine and operations.

Our Change Management Consultants

Whatever stage of the process a business has arrived at, Mr Green Consultancy can assist and become involved to assist the business.

We make our involvement very clear through a scope of works and our fees will be transparent as we time record for all the work we do. We are used to working within budgets and will be realistic about the output having understood the expectations and requirements of the business.

To discuss our change management approach or to involve Mr Green Consultancy in your business you can call us on 0207 842 1825, email us [email protected] or click here to complete an online enquiry.


Change Management – The Detail

An essential part of any business is planning for the future. Planning is not always as easy as it may first seem and expertise is required to steer and guide a business to deliver proportionate and sensible projections that are achievable both financially and otherwise.

It is sensible to take detail from the past and assess what has been successful and what has not, to start to map out the opportunities and threats the firm has and what needs to occur to optimise the opportunities and manage or remove the risks.

Working with this information alongside reviewing competition, the market generally, technology, regulation and compliance and importantly the aspirations of the firm itself and the owners will result in a detailed plan that is capable of being projected forward with key steps, requirements and milestones. All set out in a clear and concise plan with financial and operational objectives and targets.

Regardless of the size of your firm and the challenges you face, or requirements you have, the starting point of success is to have a strategy and plan that is proportionate to your firm and realistic. We pride ourselves in working with firms of all sizes assisting and helping them build such plans to ensure future success by applying a methodical and sensible approach.

Setting up a law firm is not always as simple as it may first seem. Completing the SRA forms is one of the first steps of the journey and getting these right first time will ensure your firm opening is not delayed. The SRA time frame varies from time to time but is rarely shorter than 3 months. However, you have the chance to speed this up by presenting forms completed with the correct information. Failing to provide necessary information will delay your application and delay the launch of your firm. Using our experience provides you with a much greater prospect of getting the form accepted first time with no or minimal questions.

Creating a new firm needs detailed consideration and this is where our expertise takes you further than other advisors. Due to our wider experience of business management we will assist you with multitude of factors required when setting up a business, be that a law firm or any other type of business.

Through our own experience and affiliation with The strategic Partner, we will assist you in core area such as

  • Branding, Marketing and Advertising
  • Structure creation – Sole practitioner, LLP or Company – We can also help you set up the firm with companies house as relevant
  • IT and Comms set up (email, domains, data, telephony etc)
  • VAT registration
  • PAYE registration
  • Partnership or Shareholders agreements
  • Staffing including employee handbook and contracts etc
  • Strategy, projections and forecasts
  • Regulation and compliance
  • Practice Management
  • Training
  • Case Management
  • Standard Letters and processes

We understand what is required to set up a law firm and maintain a compliant successful law firm and by engaged with Mr Green Consultancy to create your firm you will build quickly a firm that has the required elements to succeed.

If you looking to restructure your firm from a sole practitioner or a partnership or simply looking to convert into an LLP or Ltd status law firm we have the knowledge and experience to manage the appropriate needs of your business as you launch or go through a transition phase.

We will draw on the appropriate expertise you need and guide you through the regulatory requirements and finance considerations, ensuring that the structure you enter is robust, providing you with the optimum model for success.

With our consultancy working with you we can help deliver on your requirements on time so you can trade or continue to trade.

Deciding on selling your firm or seeking to merge or acquire a firm is a critical and serious time for any law firm. We work with firms at all stages of their journey, ensuring they are ready and prepared for the step they are going to take.

Starting off on the right path is essential to ensuring your requirements are met and successful. Ensuring success in this area is all about planning and understanding what your ultimate goals are and ensuring you are very clear on this.

The next step is due diligence to ensure there is full transparency in the firm you are acquiring. The consequences of getting this wrong can be dramatic so it has to be right.

The final step is the integration and ensuring this is completed in a timely manner to ensure that the benefits of the merger or acquisition are appreciated in the quickest possible time frame without damaging either firm.

If you are conspiring a merger or acquisition as part of your future proceeding with our expertise will provide you with the benefit of independent experience that seeks to guarantee success.

We work with a number of finance specialists in the legal sector, ensuring that firms access what they require financially, when they require it, on the best possible terms.

Whilst we are not regulated to provide financial advice, what we will do is work with you to ensure your firm is positioned in the best possible way to present your needs to funders to ensure you obtain the best possible terms. Obtaining funding is not always easy and ensuring you have expertise on your side to ensure you obtain the best possible chance of achieving your financial requirements, can prove essential.

Assisting law firms with building a robust marketing and advertising campaigns through to sales capture and conversion is a serious and often complex process. There are a number of facets to consider, all of which need to be correct and require careful planning to ensure a firm’s strategy for new business is a success.

It is necessary to join up each of the steps and put in place appropriate measures to deliver a successful strategy.

Our approach to working with firms building or reviewing their new business strategy is to ensure that we focus on achievement of realistic goals for the budgets set and respecting the resource within the firm alongside review of the operational processes and training of the staff involved in each step of the journey.

Without appropriate planning and appreciating the boundaries the firm has, leads to campaigns not working or new business opportunities being wasted.

An area of management of a law firm that cannot be ignored. Our knowledge of compliance and regulation in the legal sector is unchallenged. Whether delivering advice directly or through working with other industry experts we work with firms providing them with a robust regulation and compliance strategy that offers protection to the firm enabling the key decision makers to concern themselves with effective running of the firm and not being worried about the regulator.

Our view to compliance is that it must be appropriate and proportionate for the firm and be manageable on a day to day basis that works. A firm must be compliant and it must introduce policies and procedures that work for the firm, ensuring they remain compliant and do not implement policies that are over the top or simply will not work.

By understanding your firm and understanding regulation we deliver proportionate regulatory structures that the owners and staff understand, respect and can work with.

One of the most important assets of a firm is their staff and ensuring that each firm has an approach to managing their staff that works is essential for delivering success. Every firm is different and the way in which staff are managed will vary but there are fundamentals that must be implemented and complied with. The requirement here is to ensure the basics are in place and they are tailored to meet each environment ensuring your firm gets the best from their staff in all situations both positive and negative.

We work with firms to review and implement an approach to staff management that covers all of the necessary requirements yet respects the type of firm, style of management and requirements of the owners. We work with you to build successful people as we recognise that it is the people in your business that will deliver your success.

A challenging time for any firm is reviewing or introducing new technology. Changing systems or introducing technology, if not executed correctly can have a devastating effect on the business.

We work with firm from the initial stages of identification of what technology is appropriation through to the building stages and finally implantation. We build strategies for change that work for firms and understand their requirements, ensuring that the technology they have and introduce is necessary and proportionate and will be used to its full potential.

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